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Author Charlotte Brice

Hello and welcome, and thanks for checking out my website. Here you will find more about me, and my crazy world where both dragons and chickens share my desk space.

I'm a British author, residing in a small town in the South West of England. A dry sense of humour and a cup of tea are essential tools for writing my paranormal gay romances.

Between my writing and wrestling three chaos demons, I still find time for my menagerie of animals. If you want to find out more about me, join my reader group. If you want to find out more about my books, you've come to the right place.

As a child, my writing looked like a drunk spider staggered across the page.

I couldn't stay on the lines and as a leftie, would leave pen smears down my hand.

At thirteen, while on holiday, I was given a book of fairy tales, a notepad and a pen. The aim was to write out the stories and improve my handwriting. Fairy tales were boring to copy, but I found two cowboy books at my nan's house, which opened my eyes to a whole new world.

Rawhide. I enjoyed copying stories about cowboys and horses, baddies and guns. It was like another world. Before long I wasn't writing what was written on the page, I was adding characters, and changing plots, and soon I was writing fan fiction.

My hand writing improved no end,  and my cowboys went into space (I may have started watching Star Trek around this time) Whatever happened in life, moving house, changing jobs, having children, writing has been my one constant.

I also work as a Personal Assistant to other authors, helping then with various aspects of promoting their novels. Check out my PA site,